Heart Friendly Foods
What better way to celebrate Valentine’s Day then by caring for our heart. We begin by recalling what we’ve learned from our buddies from the Food Pyramid. They’ve taught us a lot about maintaining our heart healthy. All of us sat around the bonfire and shared different ways to maintain our heart sense GREAT! – plenty of fiber. We know from the scrolls we discovered from the Grains segment that whole grain foods such as brown rice, whole grain pasta and whole grains bread are excellent sources of fiber. We also know that fresh vegetables and fruits give us lots of fiber.
Don’t forget tasty beans! – Eat healthful fats. We haven’t researched the yellow region of the pyramid however, but we do all know that some foods have healthful oils our body requires. Fish, peanut butter, olive oil and nuts have healthful oils which our bodies need. Try to eat less fat which comes from meats because they are not really good for our heart. Lean meats are better for the heart. You can usually find the fat on red meats. The white meat from poultry and turkey have less fat. And if you remove the skin that will truly lower the fat.
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Some meats are extremely high in fat such as sausage and hotdogs therefore we need to attempt to eat smaller quantities of these foods and less often. Lastly, be active every day. Bear in mind, your heart is a muscle and should be exercise.
Happy Valentines Day from all of the Explorers. See you next month. Find your resting heart rate. After having a good night sleep and until you escape bed, find your heartbeat. Ask mom or day to assist you if you cannot locate it. Ordinarily, you will find it placing two fingers on the neck near your chin. Watch of the clock as you count up the beat for one whole minute.